- U -

Revelation 17:15

‘The waters’ are the waves of ‘water’ at the top of the 7.
‘which thou sawest’ is John made into a 1 ‘looking’ at the water.
‘where the whore sitteth’ is the ‘woman sitting’ on the 7.
‘are peoples’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ that sounds like ‘are’ and the equal sign for ‘are,’ & the 1 made into a man you can think of as his body and his head making a ‘p’ for ‘peoples.’  
‘and multitudes’ you can think these 2 men, made in a 17, are making the shape of a capital ‘M’ for ‘multitudes.’
‘and nations’ is a map made in a 17 to look like ‘nations’ with water and land. You can think the 1 & 7 almost make an ‘n’ for ‘nations.’
‘and tongues’ are the tongues drawn on the bottom 17 with the 1 made into a ‘Tongue’ & the 7 made into a man with a tongue, which makes a capitol ‘T’ shape at the top of the 7 for ‘tongues.’
God tells the big picture 1st and then gives more details as the chapters progress. So, the Revelation 13 beast rising up out of the sea, which is ‘water,’ means it rose up out of many people. Then in Revelation 17 more details are given that this beast, is actually a church that is over many people, & multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the first tongue and a royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the bottom of the next tongue going to the end of it and around the left side of the body of the person with the tongue.

Do waters in Bible prophecy represent  multitudes & nations? (nations)
Do waters in Bible prophecy represent  multitudes & nations? (nations)


Revelation 17:4

‘And the woman’ is the ‘woman’ on the 7.
‘was arrayed’ you can think of the 7 making ‘a ray’ with the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘arrayed’ and the big ‘a’ also for the ‘a’ in ‘arrayed.’
‘in purple and scarlet’ you can think of her dress as a mixture of ‘purple and scarlet.’
‘and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls’ you can think of as the ‘gold and precious stones and pearls’ on her dress and arms.
‘having a golden cup in her hand’ is the ‘golden cup in her hand,’ that you can think makes a 4 shape.
So, some of the official people in this church will be dressed in ‘purple & scarlet,’ and ‘decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls,’ and can be recognized by the ‘golden cup in their hands.’

A royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the purple / scarlet garment of the woman, & another royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the bottom of the gold & precious stones & pearls on her arm, & another ‘4’ is made on the golden cup to remember the order of the items: the garment colours of purple & scarlet, the gold & stones & pearls, and then the golden cup.

What are the items the mother  church wears? (purple & scarlet)
What are the items the mother  church wears? (purple & scarlet)


Revelation 13:3

‘And I saw’ is the 3 made into eyes.
‘one of his heads as it were wounded’ is the 1 made into a sword going into ‘1 of his heads’ on the beast.
‘to death and his deadly wound’ is the beast laying on its back like it is ‘dead.’
‘was healed’ is the beast standing up without the sword in his head. 
A large 3 is made on the side like it is pointing to the ‘wounded head,’ then to the ‘death,’ then to the ‘healed wound’ for the sequence of what happened to the beast. 
‘and all the world wondered after the beast’ is the 1 person on the left and 3 people standing on the ‘world’ with their arms out like they are going ‘mesmerized after the beast.’ The 1 person and the 3 people you can think makes a 13. The Revelation icon ‘R’ is placed beside the man and the world for the ‘r’s in ‘world, wondered and after.’
To ‘wonder after’ something means the effect of novelty upon ignorance & does not necessarily accompany love, esteem or approval, nor directed to persons. ‘Wonder’ is also something that arrest attention by its novelty grandeur or unexplainableness. 
So, the beast, or church, is not necessarily loved or esteemed or approved of by people, but her novelty grandeur of pomp & power captivates the people, mainly because they know not the scriptures & cannot understand or explain the churches mysterious power over people.

A royal blue ‘3’ is made on the 3 pointing to the 3 things that happened to the beast: wounded, to death, then healed, and another royal blue ‘3’ is made around the face and arms of the man wondering after the beast.

Does the beast receive a deadly wound that heals & then all the world wonders after him?
Does the beast receive a deadly wound that heals & then all the world wonders after him?


1. ‘Changes’ in Daniel 7, where the beast ‘changes times and laws.’ 
‘changes’ is the man with his arm up like he is going to do something.
‘times’ is his other arm down with the watch on it.
‘laws’ is the Daniel Icon parchment paper and pen.
You can think this makes a half circle for a ‘c’ shape for ‘changes.’

2. ‘Church’ in Revelation 17, where the beast ‘is a woman, church.’
‘is’ is the equal sign.
‘a woman’ is the woman on a 7.
‘church’ you can think of her arm going out & her body to make a ‘c’ shape for ‘church.’

3. ‘City’ in Revelation 17, where the beast ‘is that great city.’
‘is that great’ is going up the 7 to the woman sitting on the 7 and the equal sign.
‘city’ is the city drawn beside the woman.
You can think of going around the city to make a ‘c’ shape for ‘city.’

4. ‘Mark’ in Revelation 13 & 14, where the beast ‘has a mark.’
‘has a mark’ is the sun for Sunday worship. 
You can think of tracing the top sun rays to make an ‘m’ shape for ‘mark.’

5. ‘Mother’ in Revelation 17, where the woman’s name is ‘the mother of harlots.’  
‘the mother’ is the larger woman on a 7.
‘of harlots’ is the smaller woman on a 7.
You can think of going over the mother & over the daughter to make an ‘m’ shape for ‘mother.’

6. ‘Mountains’ in Revelation 17, where the woman ‘sits on 7 mountains.’
‘sits’ is the woman sitting on the 7.
‘on 7 mountains’ is the 7 and the 7 made into a mountain with snow on top. 
You can think of going over the woman & over the mountain to make an ‘m’ shape for ‘mountain.’

7. ‘War’ in Daniel 7, and Revelation 13 & 17, where the beast makes ‘war with saints 1260 years.’
‘war’ is the sword.
‘with saints’ is the man and lady’s faces.
‘1000’ you can think is the man making a 1 shape.
‘200’ is the 2 watches.
’60’ is the dividing sign for the top of a 6 and the divided watch at the bottom making the bottom of the 6.
‘0’ is the drop of blood making a zero shape.
You can think of going under the sword & under the saints to make a ‘w’ shape for ‘war.’

8. ‘Waters’ in Revelation 13 & Revelation 17, where the beast came ‘out of & over nations.’
‘out of’ is the 0 shape of the 1st water drop for the ‘o’s in ‘out & of.’
‘and over’ is the 0 shape of the 2nd drop of water for the ‘o’ in ‘over.’
‘nations’ is the 17 made into a map of a ‘nation.’ 
You can think of going under the 1st drop & under the 2nd drop to make a ‘w’ for ‘water.’

9. ‘Wears’ in Revelation 17, where the church wears ‘purple and scarlet colour.’
‘purple and scarlet colour’ is the purple and scarlet colored paint dots.
You can think of going under the purple color & under the scarlet color to make a ‘w’ for ‘wears.’

10. ‘Wears’ in Revelation 17, where the church wears ‘gold, stones and pearls.’
‘gold’ is with the gold bar.
‘stones’ is the ruby stone.
‘pearls’ is the pearl.
You can think of going under the gold & under the ruby & pearl to make a ‘w’ for ‘wears.’

11. ‘Wears’
in Revelation 17, where the church wears ‘a golden cup in her hand.’
‘a golden cup in her hand’ is the golden cup in her hand.
You can think of going under the arms of the woman & under the cup to make a ‘w’ for ‘wears.’

12. ‘Wound’ in Revelation 13, for the beast’s ‘deadly wound healed.’ 
‘deadly’ is the beast laying down.
‘wound’ is the sword in 1 of his heads.
‘healed’ is the beast standing up.
You can think of going under the deadly wounded beast & under the healed beast to make a ‘w’ for ‘wound.’

We will learn & memorize the 12 Identifiers of the Beast (verse #s) in Learn Z.

God has given us many identifiers of the beast in Daniel and Revelation, and some take a lot of effort and looking back at history to understand, but we have been memorizing the 12 most obvious and easily identifiable verses that were in Daniel 7, and Revelation 13, 14, & 17 and put them in alphabetical order together in a chart. 

There are 3 ‘C’ words, then 3 ‘M’ words, then 6 ‘W’ words. 


- V -

Revelation 13:11

‘And I beheld’ is John ‘looking’ over at the beast.
‘another beast’ is the 2nd beast made in a 1 and a 3 for chapter 13.
‘coming up out of the earth’ is the feet of the beast on the ‘earth’ with the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘earth’ placed by the earth that he is ‘coming up out of.’
‘and he had two horns like a lamb’ are the 2 horns at the top of the 1 with his face that looks like ‘a lamb’ & his body on the 3 that also looks like ‘a lamb.’
‘And he spake as a dragon’ is the fire coming out of the beast’s mouth.
This ‘2nd beast comes up out of the earth’ as opposed to the 1st beast that rises out of the sea which means out of many people. So, the 2nd beast or kingdom arises out of a place that does not have many people.
This 2nd beast has ‘2 horns’ with no crowns on them which means the rulership is in the hands of the people. Being ‘lamb-like’ illustrates how this beast was young, innocent and gentle, like giving civil and religious freedom to everyone. Revelation 12 says that Satan deceives the whole world and the dictionary says that deceive means to mislead by a false appearance and/or false statements like what Satan did when he deceived Eve.  And now God is warning us that this 2nd beast will do the same by beguiling the world.

A royal blue ‘11’ is drawn on the 2 lamb-like horns.

Does another beast come out of the earth  & have 2 horns  like a lamb? (like a lamb)
Does another beast come out of the earth  & have 2 horns  like a lamb? (like a lamb)


Revelation 13:12

‘And he’ is the lamb/dragon 2nd beast drawn on a 13.
‘exerciseth’ is the ‘exercising’ arm at the top of the 2.
‘all the power’ is the arm at the top of the 2 again, and the Revelation icon ‘R’ beside it for the ‘r’ in ‘power.’
‘of the first before him’ is the 1 with ‘st’ for ‘1st’ and the 1st beast on the earth before the lamb/dragon 2nd beast.
‘and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the 1st beast’ is illustrated with 3 small people laying down on ‘the earth, worshipping the 1st beast.’
‘whose deadly wound’ is the beast laying down on his back for ‘deadly,’ and the sword in his head, for ‘wound.’
‘was healed’ is the beast standing up.
Here we see that the lamb/dragon ‘2nd beast is going to have power to cause the whole world to worship the 1st beast,’ which is a church. So, the church itself does not enforce the people to worship it, but the lamb/dragon 2nd beast will tell the world & cause them to worship the church, by obeying the church’s false doctrine that becomes a law.

A royal blue ‘12’ is made out the 1 on the 1st number 1 and a 2 on the exercising arm.

Does the 2nd beast have power to cause the people on the earth to worship the 1st beast?
Does the 2nd beast have power to cause the people on the earth to worship the 1st beast?


Revelation 13:13

‘And he’ is the lamb/dragon 2nd beast.
‘doeth great’ is the 3 made into hands, for ‘doeth’ & the 1 made into an arrow going up, for ‘great.’
‘wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven’ is the fire and the hands, again, for ‘maketh’ & the ‘fire coming down from’ the 3 made into a cloud for ‘heaven.’ The Revelation icon ‘R’ you can think of for the ‘r’ in ‘fire.’
‘On the earth in the sight of men’ is the ‘earth’ with 3 men ‘looking up.’
So here the Bible says the lamb/dragon 2nd beast, not the 1st beast, is going to make fire come down from heaven. The next part of this chapter says the 2nd beast is going to deceive the people by the ‘great wonder of bringing fire down from heaven.’ So, this 2nd beast is deceiving the people by the amazing things they do.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the fire and a royal blue ‘3’ is drawn on the side of the heaven cloud.

Does the 2nd beast make fire come down from heaven? (doeth great wonders)
Does the 2nd beast make fire come down from heaven? (doeth great wonders)


Revelation 13:14

‘And deceiveth’ is the fire that ‘deceives.’
‘them that dwell on the earth’ are the people drawn on a 4 with the 1 made into an arrow pointing to the earth for ‘them that dwell on the earth.’ The Revelation icon ‘R’ is placed by the earth to think of the ‘r’ in ‘earth.’
‘by the means of those miracles’ is the ‘miracle’ fire, again. 
‘saying’ is the lamb/dragon 2nd beast with the fire coming out of his mouth speaking like a dragon to mislead the people by beguiling and trapping them.
‘to them that dwell on the earth’ again, are the people drawn on a 4 with the 1 made into an arrow pointing to the earth that the lamb/dragon 2nd beast is speaking ‘to.’
‘That they should make’ are the hands that ‘make’ things.
‘an image to the beast’ is the ‘image’ at the bottom of the 3 and ‘the beast’ at the top of the 3 and the arrow going up made into a 1 to represent going from the ‘image to the beast.’ It is also made to look like paper with writing on it to understand that the ‘image to the beast’ is the law to worship on Sunday, the 1st day, which is the paper with a little 1st written on it to help us remember that the ‘image to the beast’ is the law to honor the 1st day.
So, the lamb/dragon 2nd beast will speak like a dragon, because, by doing these fire wonders, the beast will beguile & ensnare the people into making the 1st day law.
So, the 1st beast, or church, is not going to enforce anything or bring down fire from heaven. The lamb/dragon 2nd beast is who is going to deceive the people into worshipping the 1st beast and do something that the 1st beast, or church did, which was to mix civil and religious laws together & force the conscience.

A royal blue ‘14’ is made on the arrow pointing down to the earth and the people.

Does the 2nd beast tell the people on the earth that they should make an image to the 1st beast?
Does the 2nd beast tell the people on the earth that they should make an image to the 1st beast?


Revelation 13:15

‘And he’ is the lamb/dragon 2nd beast.
‘had power’ is the 13 made with a man with ‘powerful’ muscles, and the Revelation icon ‘R’ beside it for the ‘r’ in ‘power’.
‘to give life’ is the arrow pointing to ‘Life’ written with a sideways ‘L’ for ‘Life’ with the flowers and leaves on it that are ‘alive.’
‘unto the image of the beast’ is the arrow pointing to ‘the image of the beast’ at the bottom of the 3 and the beast at the top of the small 3 with the small 1 made into an arrow point up to the beast and made to look like paper with 1st written on it for the 1st day law.
‘that the image of the beast’ is again the 13 with ‘the image’ at the bottom and ‘the beast’ at the top & the arrow pointing up to the beast made to look like paper for the 1st day law.
‘should both speak’ is a 3 made into a mouth with voice lines ‘speaking.’ 
‘and cause’ is the 3 made into hands, ‘causing.’
‘that as many as would not worship the image of the beast’ is the 1 making a ‘not’ sign going across the person bowing down worshipping the image in the bottom of the 3, with the beast at the top of the 3 & a 1 made into an arrow pointing up to the beast made to look like paper for the 1st day law.
‘should be killed’ is the 1 made into a sword and a 3 made into a quiet man & lady’s face.
The lamb/dragon 2nd beast is going ‘to give life unto the image of the 1st beast,’ which would be the law of that church’s 1st day of worship that will be enforced. So, this is saying, that the lamb/dragon 2nd beast is going to have this law become a reality and make people do it or be punish.

Does the 2nd beast have power to kill those  who do not worship the image of the 1st beast?
Does the 2nd beast have power to kill those  who do not worship the image of the 1st beast?


- W -

Revelation 13:16

‘And he causeth’ is the 13 made into the hands that ‘causeth.’
‘all’ you can think are ‘all’ the people in this picture. 
‘both small and great’ is a 13 made with an arrow going up that is ‘small’ and a ‘small’ head at the top of the 3 and an arrow going down that is bigger or ‘greater,’ and a larger head for ‘great’ at the bottom of the 3.
‘rich & poor’ is a 13 made into a large arrow at the top to represent more money and a bag full of money for ‘rich’ at the top of the 3 with the Revelation icon ‘R’ beside the ‘rich’ bag for the ‘r’ in ‘rich,’ and the small arrow at the bottom of the 1 to represent less money, and a 1 cent coin for ‘poor’ at the bottom of the 3.
‘free and bond’ is the man made in the 1 with his arms up showing that he is ‘free’ with no handcuffs on him and the 3 made into handcuffs for ‘bond.’
‘to receive’ is the 1 made into an arrow pointing to the 3 for ‘to receive.’ 
‘a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads’ is the top of the 3 made into a right hand with the palm up because the ‘mark’ is ‘in their right hand’ with a sun ‘mark’ in it for Sunday worship, with the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘right’ hand, and the bottom of the 3 is made into many people with sun ‘marks in their foreheads,’ for the Sunday ‘mark’ going ‘into their minds.’
So, we see the lamb/dragon 2nd beast will cause all people, to receive the ‘mark’ of the 1st beast, or church, which is Sunday worship.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the Revelation icon ‘R’ and a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the man buying or selling to the right of the ‘R.’

Will the 2nd beast make all people receive a mark? (causeth all)
Will the 2nd beast make all people receive a mark? (causeth all)


Revelation 13:17

‘And that no’ you can think is the blank area to the left of the man with ‘nothing’ in it.
‘man’ is the 1 made into a ‘man.’
‘might buy or sell’ is the 3 made on the man’s hands and the Revelation icon R, with all of its jewels, that the man is ‘buying or selling’ it to the man on the right.
‘save he that had the mark’ is the 3 made into a hand, at the top with a sun ‘mark’ in it and a forehead at the bottom with a sun ‘mark’ in it.
‘or the name’ is represented with a 3 made into a mouth with voice lines because we speak somebody’s ‘name’ with our mouths.
‘of the beast’ is the ‘beast’ drawn at the bottom of the mouth.
‘or the number’ is a 3 made into hands showing 6 fingers, that you can think represents the ‘number’ 666.
‘of his name’ is a mouth again at the bottom of the hands with voice lines for speaking ‘his name.’
So, this is saying that people will not be able to ‘buy and sell’ except they show their allegiance to the 1st beast by having ‘his mark, or his name or his number.’ 
We have to also remember that there will be no good choice at this time. If we take the ‘mark of the beast’ and get to ‘buy and sell,’ we will soon be receiving the 7 last plagues on this earth and then the sure torment and the 2nd death in 1000 years. It will eventually be a very bad choice. And on the other hand, if we do not take the ‘mark of the beast,’ we may either die as a martyr, or go through the time of trouble with hunger, weariness and delay, which will be bad also.
There will be no good choice for anyone, so we should think of the bigger picture, and go for the streets of gold and the presence of Jesus and our heavenly Father and eternal bliss for ever and ever that never ends and resist taking the ‘mark of the beast,’ and stand for God’s law. The Spirit of Prophecy says that some apparently may not engage in the conflict on either side. They may not appear to take sides against the truth, but they will not come out boldly for Christ through fear of losing property or suffering reproach. All such are numbered with the enemies of Christ. So, God is telling us here, that we must speak out and firmly stand for the 7th day sabbath.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the Revelation icon ‘R’ and a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the man buying or selling to the right of the ‘R.’

Will people be forced into allegiance  with the 1st beast  in order to live? (buy or sell)
Will people be forced into allegiance  with the 1st beast  in order to live? (buy or sell)


Revelation 13:18

‘Here is wisdom’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘here’ placed by the top of the man’s head in the 3 for it being a jewel to have ‘wisdom’ in your mind.
‘Let him that hath understanding’ is the arrow in the shape of a 1 pointing to the man at the bottom of the 3 that is ‘under’ the other man’s face to think of ‘understanding.’
‘count the number of the beast’ is the 3 with hands in it ‘counting the number’ 666, represented with 6 fingers, ‘of the beast’ that is drawn in a 13 beside the 6 fingers.
‘for it is the number of a man’ is again, the 3 with hands, with 6 fingers, for ‘the number’ 666, and a 1 drawn into ‘a man.’
‘and his number is six hundred threescore & 6’ is the ‘600’ at the top, and since a score equals 20, and 3 times 20 equals 60, ‘60’ is in parentheses to represent 3 score, and a ‘6’ is at the bottom.
A 3, for Revelation 13, is made beside the 3 numbers like it is pointing to the ‘600, the 60 and the 6.’ Since 60 does not look like ‘3 score,’ you can think of the 3 when we say the ‘3’ and the parentheses around the 60 for ‘score.’
Some very good people and some very bad people have had names throughout history that add up to ‘666,’ using different numbering systems, but this does not mean they are the beast.

To help you remember where the 666 number is, you can think that the three 6’s equals 18 for verse 18, so a royal blue 3x6 =‘18’ is drawn at the bottom of the man.

What is the number  of the beast which is not “the mark”  of the beast? (Six)
What is the number  of the beast which is not “the mark”  of the beast? (Six)


Revelation 18:4

Revelation 18:2 says, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.’ So, these are drawn in the church. Then Revelation 18:4 calls God’s people out of these churches.
‘Come out’ are the people ‘coming out’ of the church building. The Revelation icon ‘R’ is placed by the people because they are God’s jewels for ‘coming out.’ The top of the 8 is God’s mouth saying ‘Come out’ and making an ‘o’ for ‘out.’
‘of her’ is the church, a woman in Bible prophecy, made with the 1 as the steeple.
‘my people’ is the top of the 8, again, made with a mouth for God telling ‘his people’ to come out.
‘that ye be not partakers of her sins’ is the bottom of the 8 made into the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird that represents ‘her sins.’
‘and that ye receive not of her plagues’ is the small church at the right with a 1 made into a steeple & the top of the 8 made into a ‘p’ for ‘plagues’ & the bottom of the 8 with the sins in it & the church on fire.
There has been some confusion as to the origin of this Babylonian church that God is calling His people out of. Is it the original church that Jesus built with His apostles or not?

A royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the church receiving her plagues for her sins.

What is the final message from God to  His people in the mother & her daughter churches? (Come out)
What is the final message from God to  His people in the mother & her daughter churches? (Come out)


- W -

Revelation 2 tells us about the original church with the letters to the 1st 4 churches. From the perfect church Jesus made at Pentecost, it begins its fall in Ephesus by keeping true and pure doctrine but ‘leaving its 1st love,’ to some of them in Smyrna considered the ‘synagogue of Satan,’ to Pergamos dwelling where the ‘seat of Satan’ is, to the warning to Thyatira of being ‘cast in a bed’ of tribulation for allowing the teaching of false doctrines by Jezebel.

Revelation 6, where the Lamb, Jesus opens the 6 seals of the future to us, describes the original church like this, with the progression, from seal 1. the white horse of the conquering rider, to seal 2. the red horse of martyrs, to seal 3. the black horse of darkness with no light, where they begin to let in false teachers and false doctrines, to seal 4. the pale horse with the death rider that has so much false doctrine in it that people can’t find the way to salvation to seal 5. the plea of the martyrs, where the church actually turns on God’s people & persecutes them from 538 to 1798 to seal 6. with the sun black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon as blood which happened in 1780, and then the stars falling in 1833.

And on a Timeline it looks like this:

We have Babylon starting its rule in about 606BC, then Medo-Persia starting its rule in about 538BC, then Greece starting its rule in about 331BC, then Rome starting its rule in about 168BC, with Jesus starting His church during the Roman rule with the pure white woman, which was the white horse, changing to the red horse, to the black horse, to the pale horse and proceeded to get involved with the civil authorities and became ruler over the people diversely by getting the kings to join the church and rule over the kings with moral authority and became diverse Rome that goes to the end of time.
While the people who tried to stay pure & true to Jesus and the 10 commandments were persecuted by this church from 538 to 1798, which is the 1260 years the pure woman of Revelation 12 fled to the wilderness. So, we can see that this church had its origin as Jesus’ church and is the beginning church institution that quickly became corrupted as the Bible foretold it would. And now God is calling the people at the end of time to come out of her and to become the pure church that believes Jesus when He said, ‘if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments’ and they will keep all the commandments and not worship on Sunday & boldly start honoring God’s 7th day sabbath.


Revelation 16 (the 7 last plagues)

You can think of the 1 and 6 in chapter 16 as 1 + 6 = 7, for the 7 last plagues. The Revelation icon ‘R’ is placed by the 1 made into an angel to represent the 7 angels who are commissioned to pour out the 7 last plagues on the earth. The 6 is made to look like the 7 last plagues being poured out on the earth.

The 1st plague is ‘there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image.’
So, we will use the short phrase ‘fell a sore,’ illustrated with a 1 made into an arrow pointing down to the ‘sore’ that you can think is ‘falling,’ made kind of red & pink because ‘sores’ turn kind of reddish pink.
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth with the clouds above the earth with lines coming down for the ‘sore falling’ on the earth.

The 2nd plague is on ‘the sea, & it became as the blood of a dead man and every living soul died in the sea.’
So, we will use the short phrase ‘sea as blood of dead’ represented with a 2 made on its side to look like black waves of the ‘sea’ because the ‘blood of the dead’ turns dark and almost black. And the circle you can think of as a grave or tomb ‘of a dead’ man.
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth with the black in the ‘seas’ of the earth. 

The 3rd plague is upon ‘the rivers and fountains of water, & they became blood.’
The short phrase we will use is ‘rivers become blood’ with 3’s made on their side for the ‘rivers,’ colored red for ‘blood.’
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth you can think of as the ‘blood’ actually being poured out of the angel’s vile coming down on the earth and the little red lines for the ‘rivers’ on the land.

The 4th plague is upon the sun ‘and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire, and men were scorched with great heat.’ 
So, the short phrase we will use is ‘sun scorches’ with a 4 drawn yellow like it is the ‘scorching’ rays of the sun, and the ‘sun’ up above the 4 on the left because the sun was created on day 4 also that you can correlate together. 
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth with the yellow ‘scorch’ line rays coming down on the earth.

The 5th plague is ‘the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness.’
The short phrase we will use is ‘darkness on seat of beast and kingdom’ with the top line of a 5 making a roof or awning that makes shade below from the sunshine coming down from the sun above that puts a shadow and ‘darkness’ on the chair with the beast in it drawn on the bottom of the 5 for ‘on seat of beast’ and all of the seat for ‘his kingdom.’
This ‘darkness’ is represented on the Revelation 16 earth as the black seas, also.

The 6th plague is on ‘the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared, and three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, for they are the spirits of devils working miracles.’
So, we will use the short phrase ‘Euphrates dries up, 3 spirits out of mouth’ with the top line of the 6 drawn blue like a river for the ‘Euphrates drying up’ and the ‘3 spirits’ like frogs are the 3 frogs beside it, and the bottom of the 6 is made into a ‘mouth’ to symbolize the 3 mouths of the dragon, beast, & false prophet. 
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth with the 3 white puffs, as the ‘3 spirits.’

The 7th plague is ‘a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth and there fell upon men, a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent.’
So, we will use the short phrase ‘great earthquake, talent hail (50 to 100 pounds)’ with the top of the 7 made into a 7 sectioned brown line, for the color of the ‘earth quaking’ and being broken up, and the bottom of the 7 made into 7 ‘hail’ stones.
This is represented on the Revelation 16 earth with the black variegated line going across the earth for the ‘earthquake,’ and the groups of 7 blue ‘hail’ stones falling on the earth.
A talent was the largest amount of measuring weight in the Hebrew economy and when you research how much a talent is, the references range from 54 pounds to 57 to 66 to 75 to some in the 80’s & 90’s & some even a little more. So, to understand talent hail is anywhere from 50 to 100 pounds helps us to comprehend the magnitude of this very last plague that it is so heavy that it will practically destroy everything.


- X -

1 John 3:4

‘sin’ is Eve from the Genesis 3 account, drawn in the middle of the 3 reaching up and disobeying God by eating from the tree and ‘sinning’ and the flying serpent in the tree at the top of the 3 and the serpent going on his belly at the bottom of the 3 with an arrow showing Adam and Eve were put out of the garden as the result of ‘sinning.’
‘is’ is the equal sign.
‘the transgression of the law’ is the 1 John loving person sad because he is ‘transgressing’ by trampling with his feet and dropping ‘the law’ of the 10 commandments made on a 3.
Webster's dictionary says, ‘sin’ is either a positive act in which divine law is violated or the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command.

A royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the 10 commandments.

What is sin,  so that we  can avoid it? (transgression)
What is sin,  so that we  can avoid it? (transgression)


Revelation 17:15

‘The waters’ are the waves of ‘water’ at the top of the 7.
‘which thou sawest’ is John made into a 1 ‘looking’ at the water.
‘where the whore sitteth’ is the ‘woman sitting’ on the 7.
‘are peoples’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ that sounds like ‘are’ and the equal sign for ‘are,’ & the 1 made into a man you can think of as his body and his head making a ‘p’ for ‘peoples.’  
‘and multitudes’ you can think these 2 men, made in a 17, are making the shape of a capital ‘M’ for ‘multitudes.’
‘and nations’ is a map made in a 17 to look like ‘nations’ with water and land. You can think the 1 & 7 almost make an ‘n’ for ‘nations.’
‘and tongues’ are the tongues drawn on the bottom 17 with the 1 made into a ‘Tongue’ & the 7 made into a man with a tongue, which makes a capitol ‘T’ shape at the top of the 7 for ‘tongues.’
God tells the big picture 1st and then gives more details as the chapters progress. So, the Revelation 13 beast rising up out of the sea, which is ‘water,’ means it rose up out of many people. Then in Revelation 17 more details are given that this beast, is actually a church that is over many people, & multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the first tongue and a royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the bottom of the next tongue going to the end of it and around the left side of the body of the person with the tongue.

Do waters in Bible prophecy represent  multitudes & nations? (nations)
Do waters in Bible prophecy represent  multitudes & nations? (nations)


Genesis 4:7

‘If thou doest’ is the man representing Cain with his hands out because we ‘do’ things with our hands to represent ‘doest.’
‘not well’ is represented with the lamb that is away from him that he did ‘not’ bring for his sacrifice.
‘sin lieth at the door’ is represented with the word ‘sin’ at the bottom of ‘the door’ made out of a 4, for ‘sin lieth at the door.’ ‘sin’ is written in red because Cain didn't bring his lamb and slay his lamb, and ‘sin’ cost God the sacrifice & blood of His Son, to pay the price for our ‘sins.’ ‘4’ and ‘door’ rhyme for ‘sin lieth at the door in Genesis 4.’
The Genesis icon is by the word ‘sin’ to think, ‘sin’ was in the world at the beginning of the Bible.
God told Cain he ‘sinned’ when he did not bring a lamb as God commanded. So, the sacrificial law is bound up in the 1st commandment, to obey only God. This was before Moses received the 10 commandment law about 2,500 years later. So, the 10 commandments & obedience to them did not begin with the Jews. This makes sense because the 10 commandment laws are how to love God and people. It always has been & always will be. It is eternal.

A royal blue ‘7’ is made on the bottom of the door and the 4.

Was man accountable to obey God’s law in the beginning? (sin lieth)
Was man accountable to obey God’s law in the beginning? (sin lieth)


Romans 3:31

‘Do we then make void the law’ is the Roman icon column with the 3 drawn with hands pushing off & ‘making void the law’ drawn with a 3 on the top of the 10 commandments.
‘through faith?’ is the cross drawn going ‘through’ the lines of the column.
‘God forbid’ is a 3 made into a cloud for ‘God’ and the arrow going down for ‘forbid.’ 
‘yea’ is the arrow going up beside the 10 commandments to indicate ‘yes.’ 
‘we establish the law’ are the hands for God’s people made in a 3 standing the commandments made on a 3 back up on the Roman icon column, with the arrow going up, also for ‘establishing the law.’
Because we have faith in Jesus as the Son of God to help us overcome, Paul says this should make us stand on God’s side and uphold his law by establishing it and making it the foundation of our life, like Jesus told the man he healed and the lady caught in her ‘sin,’ you are healed and forgiven, now go and ‘sin’ no more. This is obeying the commandment of Jesus. He commands us to ‘sin’ no more. This is how we will be able to identify God’s people. They will not be denying the power God gives them to overcome and will be obeying God’s commands. They will have in their heart like Psalm 119:113 says, ‘thy law do I love’ and Psalm 40:8 ‘I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.’

A royal blue ‘3’ is drawn on the hands at the right and the arrow going up is made into a royal blue ‘1.’

After Jesus forgives  our sins, should we then ignore the law  or firmly obey it? (establish the law
After Jesus forgives  our sins, should we then ignore the law  or firmly obey it? (establish the law


Romans 6:15

‘What then?’ is the man with his arms out making a ‘W’ for ‘What then?’
‘shall we sin’ is the man for ‘we’ grabbing the 6 made into a sword and a man’s head for commandment 6 ‘not kill’ for ‘sin’ on top of the Romans icon column.
‘Because we are not under the law’ is the ‘not’ sign going across the Romans icon column with the penalty of the ‘law,’ the wages of sin is death, made as the grave in the 6 in the ground ‘under’ the 10 commandments in the 6 on top of the Romans icon column, that we disobeyed. We do not have to die for our sins, because Jesus, the Lamb, died in the place of our death.
‘But under grace?’ is the 6 drawn with a cloud for heaven and an arrow going down to show that we are ‘under grace’ coming down to us, that we can claim Jesus as our ‘Lamb’ and not sacrifice our own lambs for our sins. The penalty was paid by Jesus.
‘God forbid’ is also the cloud with the arrow coming down for God saying no, we are ‘forbidden’ to sin.
God is saying we cannot sin. The law to obey the 10 commandments is still binding by God because they are laws of love. It would be bad if we could steal and kill and take God’s name in vain. 
But the law that we have to die for disobeying the law, we are not under any more if we take Jesus’ death as our death, he is our Lamb that was sacrificed that fulfills the sacrificial law. Many people believe that since we are not under the law but under grace means that we are not under obedience to the 10 commandment law. But this is not what this chapter is talking about. It is talking about the penalty for disobeying the law. The new idea that we are not under the 10 commandment law is not what is taught line upon line and precept upon precept throughout the Bible.
Here, people have taken a passage out of the Bible and made it a doctrine that does not speak according to the law and to the testimony, that is, according to the rest of the Bible. This false and inaccurate information about ‘grace’ is going to lead many away from the kingdom because they will not be striving to obey the 10 commandments in order to overcome defects and disobedient tendencies & will not be able to enter into the kingdom of God. In other words, we do not want to be deceived & mislead into disobeying the commandments, that is ‘sinning’ and believe that we can still go with Jesus when he comes back. Because Jesus says, ‘If thou will enter into life, keep the commandments.’

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the not sign going across the Romans icon and a royal blue ‘5’ is made going across the top, side, and around the bottom of the Romans icon.

Because we are not under the penalty of death,  but under grace,  should we continue to sin? (under
Because we are not under the penalty of death,  but under grace,  should we continue to sin? (under


Matthew 7:14

‘Straight is the gate’ is the ‘strait,’ no curving ‘gate’ at the top of the 7.
‘and narrow is the way’ is the 7 made into a ‘narrow’ and thin road ‘way.’
‘which leadeth unto life’ is the 7, with the arrow beside it pointing up to eternal ‘life.’
‘and few there be that find it’ is the one man for ‘few’ made into a 7 with his finger pointing to the straight gate and the narrow way that he has ‘found.’
The sermon on the mount is in Matthew 5-7, so Jesus is drawn in the shape of a 5 to remember that the sermon on the mount starts in Matthew 5 and the Matthew icon crown you can think a is for Jesus telling them how to understand the scriptures correctly so that they can obey and receive their crown in heaven.
Jesus also told them in Matthew 7 that, ‘wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at.’ So, one of the identifying traits of God’s people in the end is that they will be the minority that do not take the mark of the beast. There will be a large amount of people that will take the mark of the beast, so we need to be prepared for that because the Bible says it is so, and take courage from the fact that we will be in the minority and understand we are on our way to eternal life, and the poor mark of the beast people will not be.

A royal blue ‘1’ is drawn on the bottom of the strait gate and a royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the top of the strait gate.

How many does Jesus say will find the way to eternal life? (few there be)
How many does Jesus say will find the way to eternal life? (few there be)


- Y -

Exodus 23:2

‘Thou shalt not follow’ is the man made at the end of the Exodus icon wave walking on the ‘T’ with his arms out in front for him ‘not following’ the people going a different direction on the right.
‘a multitude’ is the Exodus icon wave on the right with 2 people on it.
‘to do’ is the 2 for ‘to,’ made into hands that are ‘doing.’ 
‘evil’ is the 3 made with ‘Eve’ eating from the tree that was ‘evil’ to disobey God & eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and ‘evil.’
This text helps us to understand what we will be tested on in the end. Will we follow a multitude to worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, or will we stand alone and obey God?

A royal blue ‘2’ is made on the 1st multitude person.

Should we follow the world in  breaking God’s law? (multitude)
Should we follow the world in  breaking God’s law? (multitude)


Roman 6:4

‘Therefore we are buried’ is the 6 pointing to a grave in the ground.
‘with him’ is the next 6 pointing to Jesus’ face.
‘by baptism’ is the next 6 pointing to the water in it.
‘into death’ is the next 6 pointing to another grave. 
‘that like as Christ’ is the 6 pointing to Jesus’ face on the Romans icon column.
‘was raised up’ is with an arrow going up to the cloud and glory rays coming from it to reflect that he went ‘up’ into heaven.
‘from the dead’ is back to the 6 pointing to the grave.
‘Even so’ is the ‘even’ top of the Romans icon column.
‘we also should walk in newness of life’ is the man at the top of the 6 with his hands up and feet like they are walking happily and joyously because his sins are forgiven, & he is born-again ‘new’ in this world of ‘life.’
Paul tells us how to celebrate or honor Jesus’ death on the 6th day and His resurrection on the 1st day. 
It is to be dead to sin and alive to God. This is how we can identify God’s people in the end. They will honor Jesus’ death by showing they want their disobedient life to be dead by being baptized, and honor Jesus’ resurrection by walking in newness of life by being born-again & desiring to obey God daily.

A royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the sides and bottom of the Romans icon and the four 6’s in the ground can help you remember this is verse ‘4.’

What should we do  to honor Jesus’ death & resurrection? (walk in newness)
What should we do  to honor Jesus’ death & resurrection? (walk in newness)


Matthew 7:21

‘Not everyone’ is the man with a 7 across him as a ‘not’ sign for ‘not everyone.’
The Matthew icon crown you can think is for Jesus telling the people how to understand the scriptures correctly so that they can obey and receive their crown in heaven. 
‘that saith unto me’ is the 7 made into a man with voice lines ‘speaking to Jesus.’
‘Lord Lord’ you can think that an ‘L’ makes an upside down 7 to remember ‘Lord Lord’ is in Matthew 7. 
‘shall enter into the kingdom of heaven’ is the man with a not sign across him not ‘entering into the kingdom heaven’ with the 7 made into a building with the Matthew crown on top for ‘kingdom’ and the cloud for ‘heaven.’
‘But he that doeth’ is the man made into a 7 with his arm out and his hand drawn large for ‘doing’ something.
‘the will’ is the 7 made into the scriptures that he is doing & he is standing on the Matthew icon crown to think that he will get a crown in heaven for doing God’s ‘will.’
‘of my father which is in heaven’ is a 7 made into a man standing on the Matthew icon crown and cloud to look like our ‘Father which is in heaven.’ 
We will tell God’s church, when the mark of the beast is enforced upon the world, to come out of the mother and her daughter churches and join those that are obeying the 4th commandment that has been sadly transgressed by many people for many years and will be received into heaven at Jesus’ soon return.

A royal blue ‘2’ is made on the right side of the cloud of the kingdom of heaven and a royal blue ‘1’ is drawn on the left side of the scripture page.

Can we have the assurance that talking to God  & even calling Him Lord will get us to heaven? (doeth
Can we have the assurance that talking to God  & even calling Him Lord will get us to heaven? (doeth


Matthew 7:22

‘Many will say to me’ are the 7 men drawn in 7’s with voice lines ‘saying to Jesus’ drawn sitting on the mountain.
‘in that day’ is the sun placed above them.
‘Lord, Lord’ is the ‘L’ as an upside down 7 for Matthew 7.
‘have we not prophesied in thy name’ is the large man made in a 7 on the next Matthew icon crown and mountain, with the large voice lines by his mouth for ‘prophesied’ and the voice lines again for ‘in thy name.’
‘and in thy name have cast out devils’ is the medium sized man drawn in a 7 with voice lines for ‘in thy name’ and lines coming from his hands and 2 ‘devils’ drawn beside the lines that he is ‘casting out.’
‘and in thy name done many wonderful works' is the smallest person drawn in a 7 with the voice lines again for ‘in thy name’ and his hand out for ‘done’ and the fire coming down in the shapes of 7’s for ‘wonderful works.’
So, a lot of people Jesus says will be saying, ‘Lord, Lord’ and ‘doing many powerful miracles’ using the ‘name’ of Jesus, but as we learned earlier that the only ones He considers His people are the ones doing the will of our Father, which is the 10 commandments.

A royal blue ‘22’ is drawn on the 2 devils that are being cast out.

Will many who profess  God’s name be able  to perform powerful  & inspiring miracles,  yet not be Go
Will many who profess  God’s name be able  to perform powerful  & inspiring miracles,  yet not be Go


Matthew 7:23

‘And then will I profess’ is the voice lines by Jesus.
‘unto them’ are the 7 men made in 7’s.
‘I never knew you’ is the arrow pointing to Jesus’ mind.
‘you’ is Jesus’ hand out, pointing to them.
‘depart from me’ are the backwards 7’s drawn into men walking away and ‘departing from Jesus’ with their arms and backs turning away from Jesus. 
‘ye that work iniquity’ is the man with a hammer ‘working iniquity’ in the city of Babylon which is the disobedient woman, church, made on a 7 for Matthew 7.
Isaiah 59 gives the definition of iniquity, ‘But your ‘iniquities’ have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.’ Here we see that God says ‘iniquity’ is sin and God cannot ‘work’ miracles for sinners, that is, those that disobey the 10 commandments. It is the spirits of devils, ‘working’ miracle and performing those mighty & inspiring ‘works’ for people not obeying God’s laws. We want to have Christ in us, the hope of glory, so that it will be the Holy Spirit ‘working’ our miracles.

A royal blue ‘2’ is drawn on the man working and the top of the Babylon building and a royal blue ‘3’ is drawn around the head and around the cup of the woman of iniquity.

What will keep professing Christians from entering heaven? (work iniquity)
What will keep professing Christians from entering heaven? (work iniquity)


- Y -

Acts 5:29

‘We ought to obey God’ is the arm at the top of a 5 that is high in the air, like they are wanting to do high and heavenly things holding on to God’s commandments at the bottom of the 5 and ‘obeying God.’ You can think the bottom of the 5 makes an ‘o’ shape for ‘ought’ & ‘obey.’
‘rather than men’ is another 5 made into a person with a piece of paper and a pen in their hand which is representing the people at the end that will make a law of ‘men’ that they will enforce on the people. The Acts icon stage you can think is the legislator’s building where ‘men’ make the laws.
So, God’s people will be ‘obeying God rather than men’ and will not obey the law of men that goes against God’s direct command to rest and keep holy the 7th day Sabbath. They will not rest on another day and reverence it. They will do the will of our heavenly Father and Jesus.

A royal blue ‘2’ is made on the pen & hand on the left of the man and a royal blue ‘9’ is drawn on his hand holding the paper on the right.

Did Peter say we ought to obey God rather than men? (ought to obey)
Did Peter say we ought to obey God rather than men? (ought to obey)


1 Samuel 2:30

‘Them’ is the 2 drawn into 2 faces to represent ‘them.’
‘that honour’ are the arrows pointing to the 1 Samuel icon scepter to represent ‘that honour.’
‘me’ is the cloud to represent God for ‘me.’ 
‘I’ is the next cloud to represent God for ‘I.’ 
‘will honour’ is the 1 Samuel icon septre for ‘honour.’
So, in the end, with all of its turmoil & trouble such as was not since there was a nation, we will want to remember & tell the world that those who take hold of Jesus and receive His power, because it will take a lot of God’s power to resist the whole world against us, and honor God’s 7th day Sabbath law, God says He will honour. Jude says it like this ‘now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.’

A royal blue ‘3’ is drawn on the right side of the 1st cloud and a royal blue ‘0’ is made in the middle of the 2nd cloud.

Will God honour thosewith eternal life who honour His Word & not receive the mark of the beast?
Will God honour thosewith eternal life who honour His Word & not receive the mark of the beast?


We have put 7 Identifiers of God’s People in the end of time who resist the mark of the beast in alphabetical order. 

There are 2 ‘C’ words, then 3 ‘M’ words, & then 2 ‘W’ words. 

1. ‘Christ’ in Colossians 2:14 and Revelation 14, where we ‘have Jesus as Lamb.’
‘Christ’ is the cross.
‘have Jesus’ is the ‘KING’ sign.
‘as Lamb’ is the ‘ordinances’ nailed to Jesus’ cross.
You can think tracing the left side of the cross makes a half circle ‘C’ shape for ‘Christ.’

2. ‘Commandments’ in Romans 3, Isaiah 8 and Revelation 14, for ‘establish the law, 7th day.’
‘Commandments’ is the 10 commandments.
‘establish the law’ is the man being sealed in his forehead because he is holding and keeping the commandments.
‘7th day’ is the purple circle around the 4th commandment about the holy ‘7th day.’
You can think tracing the left side of the commandments makes a half circle ‘c’ shape for ‘commandments.’

3. ‘Mark’ in Ezekiel 9, where God’s people ‘sigh and cry for evil done.’ 
‘Mark’ is the hand & pen ‘marking’ the man’s forehead.
‘sigh and cry’ is ‘sigh’ in the caption sign and the man ‘crying.’
‘for evil done’ you can think is the ground where the 4 abominations were in Ezekiel 9.
You can think of going over the hand & over the caption sign to make an ‘m’ shape for ‘mark.’

4. ‘Minority’ in Matthew 7, for ‘are few that find the way.’ 
‘Minority’ is the 1 man.
‘are few that find the way’ is the 1 man, for ‘few,’ pointing and ‘finding’ the road ‘way.’
You can think of going backwards over the man & then over the road ’way’ to make a backwards ‘m’ shape for ‘minority.’

5. ‘Multitude’ in Exodus 23 & Revelation 13, where God’s obedient people will be ‘not in multitude that disobey.’ 
'Multitude’ are the people on the right.’
‘not in’ is the man on the left ‘not in’ the multitude. 
‘multitude that disobey’ are the people on the right following and wondering after the ‘beast.’
You can think of going over the left wave & over the right wave to make an ‘m’ shape for ‘multitude.’

6. ‘Walk’ in Romans 6, where God’s people walk ‘in newness of life.’
‘Walk’ are the feet of the man ‘walking’ on the world.
‘in newness of life’ are the man’s head and hands going out joyfully for ‘in newness of life.’
You can think of going under the left foot & under the right foot to make a ‘w’ for ‘walk.’

7. ‘Won’t’ in Revelation 13:17, where God’s people won’t ‘be able to buy or sell.’
‘Won’t’ is empty space on the left side of the men.
‘be able to buy or sell’ are the men ‘buying or selling’ the Revelation icon jewels.
You can think of going under the left man & under the right man to make a ‘w’ for ‘won’t.’


The Short Phrases for the 3 Angels’ Messages

1st Angel’s Message is the steps we take to receive the Seal of God in our foreheads.
We will be making 1 shapes on these pictures to remember this is the 1st angel’s message. 

Revelation 14:6 is ‘Everlasting Gospel.’
‘Everlasting’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘everlasting,’ making a 1 shape.
‘Gospel’ is the cross, making a 1 shape.

Revelation 14:7 is ‘Fear God & Give Glory, Judgment & Worship Him.’
‘Fear God’ is the 10 commandments making a 1 shape down to the person ‘fearing God.’
‘& Give Glory’ is the man ‘giving’ the ‘glorious’ Revelation Icon jewel to God, making a 1 shape.
‘Judgment’ is the judge’s gavel in a 1 shape.
‘& Worship Him’ is going from the man ‘worshipping’ up to ‘God,’ making a 1 shape.

2nd Angel’s Message is that False Doctrine will be Exposed.

Revelation 14:8 is ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen.’
‘Babylon’ is the Babylon building.
‘is fallen’ is making the 1st part of the 2, with the green arrow.
‘is fallen’ is making the 2nd part of the 2, with the green arrow, down to the crashing Babylon building.

3rd Angel’s Message is the Test Question that will determine our destiny.

Revelation 14:9-11 is ‘Worship Beast & Image & Receive Mark, Tormented’ 
‘Worship Beast’ is the man ‘worshipping the 1st beast.’
‘& Image’ is the faded ‘image’ of the beast.
‘& Receive Mark’ is the 3 pointing to either ‘receiving’ the sun ‘mark’ in the forehead of the man or in the hand.
‘Tormented’ is the fire below them.

Revelation 14:12 is ‘or Keep Commandments & Faith of Jesus.’
‘or Keep Commandments’ is the right hand of the man holding and ‘keeping the 10 commandments.’
‘& Faith of Jesus’ is the left hand of the man holding onto the cross of Jesus, for ‘faith of Jesus.’


1. ‘Christ, have Jesus as Lamb,’ we learned that the sacrificial ordinances were nailed to Jesus’ cross, labelling him the complete sacrificial ordinances and pays the whole price of our Lamb that died for our sins in Colossians 2:14, so we will trace the top side of the cross making a ‘C’ where the Colossians angel was in the picture and trace the cross in a 2 shape and the hammer for the 1 and the 4 around the ordinances.
Then in Revelation 14:12 we learned that God’s people that do not take the mark of the beast will have the faith of Jesus, so we will trace the 14 like we did the Colossians 14 verse on the hammer and around the ordinances and trace the 12 with the 1 on the hammer and the 2 on the cross, to say, 
‘Christ, have Jesus as Lamb, Colossians 2:14, Revelation 14:12.’

2. ‘Commandments, establish the law, 7th day,’ we learned in Isaiah 8:16 that God’s people will have the seal of the law, so we will trace the top and bottom of the sealer to make an 8 shape for Isaiah 8 and trace the man made in a 1 shape and his head for the 6 for 16.
We also learned that God’s people will establish the law in Romans 3:31, so we will trace an ‘R’ on the gray sealer because it is gray like the Romans icon for Romans and trace the top of the commandments for a 3 and again for the 3 in 31 and trace down the cross for the 1.
We also learned in Revelation 14:12 that God’s people keep the commandments of God containing the 7th day rest as opposed to the mark of the beast, which is the 1st day rest, so we will trace the 14 for Revelation 14 and trace the 12 on the side and middle of the commandments, to say, 
‘Commandments, establish the law, 7th day, Isaiah 8:16, Romans 3:31, Revelation 14:12.’

3. ‘Mark, sigh and cry for evil done,’ we learned in Ezekiel 9:4 so we will trace to the left where the Ezekiel icon cart was and then trace the hand and pen putting the mark in the forehead for the 9 and then trace a 4 on the right bottom where the 4 abomination things were, to say, 
‘Mark, sigh and cry for evil done, Ezekiel 9:4.’

4. ‘Minority, are few that find the way,’ we learned was in Matthew 7:14, so we will trace under the 7 where the Matthew icon crown was when we learned this verse and the 7 roadway and the 14 on the sides of the gate, to say, 
‘Minority, are few that find the way, Matthew 7:14.’

5. ‘Multitude, not in multitude that disobey,’ we learned was in Exodus 23:2, so we will trace the Exodus icon and point to the 2 people and the 3 on the beast for 23 and then trace a 2 made on the 1st person on the right for verse 2, to say, 
‘Multitude, not in multitude that disobey, Exodus 23:2.’

6. ‘Walk, in newness of life,’ we learned was in Romans 6:4, so we will trace under the man walking where the Romans Icon was when we learned this verse for Romans and trace the 6 around the man and the world and the 4 under the man and world like it was around the Romans icon, to say, 
‘Walk, in newness of life, Romans 6:4.’

7. ‘Won’t, be able to buy or sell,’ we learned was in Revelation 13:17, so we will trace the revelation icon for Revelation and trace the 13 on the man and his hands and the side of the Revelation icon and the man on the right for the 17, to say,
‘Won’t, be able to buy or sell, Revelation 13:17.’


1. ‘Changes, changes times and laws,’ we learned was in Daniel 7:25, so we will trace the man to make a 7 and then trace where the 2 & 5 were in the picture, to say, 
‘Changes, changes times and laws, Daniel 7:25.’

2. ‘Church,
is a woman, church,’ we learned that a woman represents a church in Jeremiah 6:2, so we will trace over the daughter for the 6 and the small women for verse 2. 
And then we learned that Revelation 17 is about the disobedient woman. These 2 verses connect the woman, as a church, to the beast in Revelation 13. Revelation 17:1 has the woman on water & Revelation 13:1 has the beast on water, so we will trace over the 7 for 17 and the waters to represent verse 1. 
And Revelation 17:6 and Revelation 13:5 & 7 tell what they did to the saints, so we will trace the 7 for Revelation 17 and the drop of blood for a 6, to say, 
‘Church, is a woman, church, Jeremiah 6:2, Revelation 17:1, Revelation 17:6.’

3. ‘City,
is that great city,’ we learned in Revelation 17:18 so we will trace the 7 for Revelation 17 and trace where the 18 on the city was, with the 1 on the left of the city and the 8 on the right of the city, to say, 
‘City, is that great city, Revelation 17:18.’

4. ‘Mark,
has a mark,’ we learned in Revelation 13:16 so we will trace the Revelation icon ‘R’ for Revelation and the hand and the head with the sun for Sunday worship in it in the 3 for the 13 and the small arrow & head for the 16. 
The mark was also in Revelation 13:17 so we will again trace the Revelation icon ‘R’ and the hand and head with the sun in them for 13 and a 1 made on the left side of the R and the man made into a 7 for verse 17. 
The mark was also in Revelation 14:9 and Revelation 14:11. So we will trace the Revelation icon ‘R’ and the 14 for chapter 14 and the man’s head made into a 9 for verse 9 and the smoke going up for the 11, to say, 
‘Mark, has a mark, Revelation 13:16, Revelation 13:17, Revelation 14:9, Revelation 14:11.’

5. ‘Mother,
the mother of harlots,’ we learned in Revelation 17:5, so we will trace the 7 for Revelation 17 and trace the 5 across her forehead, down her back and around her, to say, 
‘Mother, the mother of harlots, Revelation 17:5.’

6. ‘Mountains,
sits on 7 mountains,’ we learned in Revelation 17:9, so we will trace the 7 for Revelation 17 and the 9 made in the middle of the 7 in the mountain, to say, 
‘Mountains, sits on 7 mountains, Revelation 17:9.’

7. ‘War,
war with saints 1260 years,’ we learned the 1st place that talked about the 1260 years of wearing out the saints was described as the time, times and dividing of times in Daniel 7:25, so we will trace the man to make a 7 and then trace where the 2 & 5 were in the picture. 
The next place where we learned about the 1260 years was in Revelation 13:5 describing the time as 42 months and 13:7 with the beast making war with the saints. So, we will trace the sword on the 1 and the people on the 3 for Revelation 13 and the 5 continuing from the 4 and the 2 and trace the gun with the 7 on it for verse 7.
The last place that we learned about the saints persecuted by the beast was in Revelation 17:6 with the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus, so we will trace the 7 above for Revelation 17 and trace a 6 on the blood drop, to say, 
‘War, war with saints 1260 years, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:5, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 17:6.’

8. ‘Waters, out of and over nations,’ we learned was in Revelation 13:1 where the beast rises out of the sea, so we will trace the 13 above for Revelation 13 and then trace a 1 on the 1 drop of water for verse 1. 
We also learned that the woman sits on many waters in Revelation 17:1, so we will trace the 17 nations for Revelation 17 and then trace a 1 on the 1 drop of water for verse 1.
Revelation 17:15 then told us that the waters are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues that the beast came out of and is ruling over, so we will trace the 17 for Revelation 17 and the tongues for verse 15, to say,
‘Waters, out of and over nations, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:1, Revelation 17:15.’

Since the next 3 we learned are all Revelation 17:4 we will describe them altogether.
9. ‘Wears,
purple and scarlet color,’ we will trace the woman on the 7 for Revelation 17 and make a 4 on her, to say, 
‘Wears, purple and scarlet color, Revelation 17:4.’

10. ‘Wears, gold, stones, and pearls,’ we will trace the woman on the 7 for Revelation 17 and make a 4 on her arm, to say, 
‘Wears, gold, stones, and pearls, Revelation 17:4.’

11. ‘Wears, a golden cup in her hand,’ we will trace the woman on the 7 for Revelation 17 and make a 4 on the cup, to say, 
‘Wears, a golden cup in her hand, Revelation 17:4.’

12. ‘Wound, deadly wound healed,’ we leaned was in Revelation 13:3, so we will trace the beast made out of the 13 for Revelation 13 and then trace where the 3 was above the beast showing 1 of his heads were wounded to death and his deadly would was healed, to say, 
‘Wound, deadly wound healed, Revelation 13:3.’
