- K -

Exodus 31 :17

‘It’ is for the sabbath, which is in Exodus 31:16, and is represented with the word ‘it’ and an equal sign to the 7th day for sabbath written on the top of a 1. 
‘is’ is the equal sign. 
‘a sign’ is the square drawn around the top of the 1 with the 7th in it.
‘between me and the children’ is the sign placed ‘between’ the 1 drawn in a man to represent 'God' and a 3 made into ‘children’s’ faces. 
‘of Israel’ is the map of ‘Israel’ with the Mediterranean sea on the left and the Jordan on the right.
‘forever’ is the big 1 in between, you can think looks like an arrow going up to heaven.
‘for in six days’ is displayed with ‘6’ suns in the 3s.
‘the Lord’ is the 1 made into a man with his hand out.
‘made’ is the 3 drawn into hands.
‘heaven and earth’ is the 3 drawn with a cloud for ‘heaven’ at the top and the ‘earth’ at the bottom.
‘and on the seventh’ is the ‘7th’ written under the Exodus icon wave.
‘day’ is the sun drawn above, in the top wave.
‘he rested’ is denoted with the man made into a 1 for ‘God resting’ on top of the 7th day.
‘and was refreshed’ you can think of the Exodus icon wave with blue water splashing and ‘refreshing’ God with 2 drops made in the shape of a 3 to remember the only place in the Bible God says He ‘was refreshed' on the sabbath is in Exodus 31.
The scriptures foretell about Jesus’ birth, healing ministry, death, and even Judas betraying him, but there is no prophesy about Jesus’ resurrection causing a huge change of the commandment to rest on the 7th day to begin resting now on the resurrection 1st day.
We use a ‘sign’ when we want to indicate something or identify or convey a meaning. So the 7th day sabbath identifies ourselves between God & us, He knows we are His, and we know He is ours. He says it is the ‘sign between us’ that we recognize each other forever. 

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the right exodus icon wave and a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the 7th day.

What sign is the identifying mark God  gives His people? (refreshed)
What sign is the identifying mark God  gives His people? (refreshed)


Ezekiel 20:20

‘And hallow’ is demonstrated with a zero for Ezekiel 20 that you can think of as a ’hallowed,’ pure white zero.
’my sabbaths’ is a 2 made into the 7th at the top and the sun for day at the bottom.
‘and they shall be a sign’ is the sabbath sitting on the cart you can think like it is being carried around town like a ’sign.’
‘between’ is in ’between’ the wheels.
‘me’ is illustrated as a cloud on the right of the Ezekiel icon made out of a zero, for ’God.’
‘and you’ is the 2 on the left with 2 people drawn in it.
‘that ye’ is the 2 made into 2 people on the far right.
‘may know’ is the arrows pointing to their minds.
‘that I’ is the zero made into a cloud, for ’God.’
‘am the Lord’ is the man in the cloud, for ’Lord.’
‘your God’ is the zero, again, made into a cloud, for ’God.’
After 1000 years God did not change His mind about the sabbath being a sign between Him and His people. If they hallow the sabbath, God would let them know that He is the Lord, their God. That is pretty astonishing.

A royal blue ‘2’ is made on the 2 men on the right and a royal blue ‘0’ is drawn on the cloud on the right.

1,000 years after Moses, what sign does God say  is still the identifying mark between God & His peo
1,000 years after Moses, what sign does God say  is still the identifying mark between God & His peo


Revelation 7:3

‘Saying, Hurt not’ is illustrated with the sword at the top of the 7 not touching the earth.
‘the earth’ is represented with the brown line.
‘neither the sea’ is the blue waves.
‘nor the trees’ is the side of the 7 made into a tree.
Hurt and earth rhyme to start the sequence. And neither and sea have the long ‘e’ sounds in them, that you can correlate together.
‘till we have sealed’ is depicted with the top of the 7 made into an arm pointing like it is putting something in the person’s forehead.
‘the servants’ is the man made on the side of the 7. 
‘of our God’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ jewels that you can think represents the ‘r’ for ‘our.’
‘in their foreheads’ is the forehead of the man where the finger is pointing.
So, God’s people will be getting the seal of God before the plagues fall on the earth. And the rest of the world, Revelation says, will get the mark of the beast.

A royal blue ‘3’ is made around the forehead and face of the servant.

How does  the Bible  refer to death? (fell asleep)
How does  the Bible  refer to death? (fell asleep)


Isaiah 8:16

‘Bind up’ is denoted with the handcuffs made into an 8.
‘the testimony’ is the Bible in the top of the 8 for the Old and New ‘test’ament in the word ‘test’imony.
Also, ‘bind’ and ‘testimony’ have an ‘i’ in them to know they go together.
‘seal’ is the ink stamper.
‘the law’ is the 10 commandments at the bottom of the 8. ‘Seal’ and ‘law’ have ‘a’s in them to know they go together.
The testimony and law made in Isaiah 8:16 are opposite of Isaiah 8:20 law and testimony that we memorized in Learn A. So, you can recognize they are opposite.
‘among’ is the Isaiah angel icon you can think is ‘among’ the men.
‘my disciples’ is shown with the 2 faces made in the last 8.
So, obedience to God’s word & commandments is the ‘mark’ and ‘seal’ of God’s people.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the 2nd angel and a royal blue ‘6’ on the top disciple’s face, to correlate that man was made on day 6.

What will God’s disciples have as their mark & seal? (Bind up)
What will God’s disciples have as their mark & seal? (Bind up)


Ezekiel 9:4

‘And the Lord’ is represented with a 9 made into a mouth in a cloud.
‘said’ is the voice lines.
‘him’ is the hand made in a 9, to represent the ‘angel’ God is talking to.
‘go through the midst’ is the Ezekiel icon wheel within a wheel cart that you can think is ‘going.’
‘through the midst of the city’ you can think that the man is in a city that the cart is passing by.
’through the midst of Jerusalem’ you can think of the cart going through the 4 abominations in Jerusalem drawn on 9’s.
‘and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men’ is portrayed with the angel’s hand and pen making a 9 coming from the Ezekiel icon cart that you can think is ‘setting a mark upon the forehead of the man’ with his arm up to his head making a 9 shape.
‘that sigh’ is the 9 shaped caption sign with ‘sigh’ written in it. 
‘and that cry’ are the 'tears' coming down from his eyes made into the shapes of 9’s.
‘for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof’ are the 4 examples of ‘abominations’ in the shapes of 9’s. The man telling a lie with the caption sign saying lie, lie, for commandment 9, a 9 made into a wizard’s fire at the bottom conjuring up spirits in the top of the 9 with the wizard hat and wand in it, a 9 with someone bowing down at the bottom to the statue that is made in the top of the 9, and a person bowing down and worshipping the sun made into the shape of the Ezekiel icon wheel at the top of the last 9.
The ‘abominations’ are disobedience to God’s laws that God’s people there in Jerusalem were doing. And the people that are ‘sighing and crying’ were the obedient to God’s laws. God was ‘setting a mark on their foreheads.’ So God’s obedient people get a good ‘mark.’ And the disobedient in the end get a bad ‘mark.’

A royal blue ‘4’ is made with the 4 abominations in the 4, and there are 4 examples of abominations drawn to help you remember verse 4.

Does God set a mark upon the foreheads of those who are grieved over wickedness? (that sigh & cry)
Does God set a mark upon the foreheads of those who are grieved over wickedness? (that sigh & cry)


- L -

Revelation 14:6

‘And I saw’ is demonstrated with an eye.
‘another angel fly in the midst of heaven’ is the ‘angel flying’ in the sky inside of a cloud you can think to represent ‘in the midst of heaven.’ 
‘having the everlasting gospel’ is symbolized with the man made into a 1 holding a Bible & telling about the cross with the sacrificial laws nailed to it for King Jesus performing the plan of salvation for us which is the ‘gospel.’ You can think of this large 1 also as a 1 to represent this is the 1st angel’s message. The Revelation icon ‘R’ beside the man preaching you can think of as the ‘r’ in ‘everlasting’ & the jewels for the ‘gospel’ being so precious & that God considers us jewels for preaching His ‘gospel.’
‘to preach’ you can think of the top of the 1 making a voice line of the man ‘preaching.’
‘unto them’ are the people made on the 4. 
‘that dwell on the earth’ are the people standing on the ‘earth.’
‘and to every nation’ you can think of as the green part of the earth for the ‘nations’ all over the earth.
‘and kindred’ is the people on the 4, again, like they are related to each other.
‘and tongue’ is the preacher with the top of the 1 going out like a ‘tongue.’
‘and people’ are all these ‘people.’
So, we will be preaching to the world, to have a moment-by-moment relationship with Jesus, to be saved at last to heaven. And it is ‘everlasting,’ forever, that He did and is performing the sacrificial system in his own flesh. Jesus’ scars will ever keep in our minds how His sacrifice gives us ‘everlasting’ life.

A royal blue ‘6’ is drawn on the eye, and another royal blue ‘6’ is drawn with the top of the 6 on the man preaching and the bottom of the 6 going around the earth.

What is the 1st part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (everlasting gospel)
What is the 1st part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (everlasting gospel)


Revelation 14:7

‘Saying’ is typified with the 1st angel faded very light, since this is the 2nd part of the 1st angel’s message. 
‘with a loud voice’ are the voice lines made dark to represent ‘loud.’
‘Fear’ is represented with God’s 10 commandments because when you ‘fear’ someone that means you honor & respect them, which means that you obey their commands. The man on the ground made into a 1 shape,  for Revelation 14, looks like he is afraid also to represent ‘fear.’ 
‘God’ is the 4 made into a throne with ‘God’ sitting on it.
‘and give glory to him’ you can think the man is 'giving' the Revelation icon ‘R’ shining jewels to God.
‘for the hour’ is the sun at the top of the 4, because we tell time with the sun.
‘of his judgment’ is the 1 made into a ‘judges’ gavel. You can think of this large 1 also as a 1 to represent this is the 1st angel’s message.
‘is come’ is the arrow going down.
‘and worship him’ is the man made into a 1 shape on the ground, ‘worshipping God’ on the 4 throne.
‘that made’ is the white sleeved arms of God drawn in a 4 for ‘made.’
‘heaven’ is the sun above.
‘and earth and the sea’ is the brown line for ‘earth’ and the waves under it for the ‘sea,’ on top of the 1 made into a 7, to remember that after God made these, He rested on the 7th day.
‘and the fountains of waters’ is the 4 for chapter 14, which goes with the 7th day 1, made to look like ‘water’ spraying up.
Our message to the world here is calling everyone to ‘fear God’ by keeping His commandments. 
And to ‘give glory to Him’ by obeying God’s natural laws and moral laws. Then God tells us why, because ‘His judgment is come.’ Then the message to the world continues with the call to ‘worship Him that made’ everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. And then to look at the ‘fountains’ in the world-wide flood, to help conquer the false science idea that says we evolved.

A royal blue ‘7’ is made on the 7th day on the bottom right that God made the heaven, & earth and the sea to remember the clue that the seal of God is about going back to keeping the 7th day.

What is the 2nd part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (his judgment)
What is the 2nd part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (his judgment)


Genesis 7:11

‘the same’ you can think is the T right beside the sun, like the T is in ‘the same’ place as the sun.
‘day’ is illustrated with the sun.
‘were all the fountains’ is the blue wave lines going up & down like they are ‘fountains.’
‘of the great deep’ are the wave lines placed at the bottom of the page.
‘broken up’ you can think of as the blue line waves as separated & ‘broken.’
‘and the windows of heaven were opened’ is denoted with the 7 made into an umbrella with the rain coming down on it from the ‘open window' made out of a 7 in the cloud to represent ‘heaven.’
The Genesis icon of heaven and earth is also illustrated with the world being covered with water with Noah’s ark on it made into a 7 and the rain coming down on it also from the ‘open window of heaven.’
Scientists have not been able to duplicate anything changing from 1 life form to another, which is not scientific. So, it is better to believe God, who was there, and says creation happened in 6 days & a flood happened, which would have caused the layering of the sediments.

A royal blue ‘11’ is made on the window frame.

Where does the Bible talk about the fountains in the beginning  of the Bible?  (the fountains)
Where does the Bible talk about the fountains in the beginning  of the Bible?  (the fountains)


Revelation 14:8

‘And there followed another angel’ starts the 2nd angel’s message so the 1st angel is drawn shaded lightly and small with another angel added that is following the other angel for the 2nd angel’s message. The Revelation icon ‘R’ is by the angel to indicate the ‘r’ in ‘there.’
‘saying’ is the blue voice lines.
‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen’ is the building structure city for ‘Babylon’ with a 2 under it to depict ‘is fallen, is fallen’ said 2 times, making a circle like it is tumbling down and crashing at the bottom on the ground. The 2 can also help you remember this is the 2nd angel’s message.
‘that great' is the arrow going up made into a 1 shape.
‘city’ is the 4 made with the Babylon structure ‘city’ in it.
‘because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication’ is denoted with the 14’s in the 1, 1, 4, 4 order.
‘because she made’ is the woman on the 4.
‘all nations’ is the 1 made into a map you can think of as different ‘nations.’
‘drink of the wine’ is the 1 made into flowing drops of ‘wine.’
‘of the wrath’ is the 4 made into a man & another man’s arm with a weapon in it.
‘of her fornication’ is the 7th commandment not commit adultery woman sitting on the 7 made into a 4, 
and ‘four’ sounds like the first part of ‘fornication.’
‘Babylon’ comes from the tower of Babel because the languages were confused.
‘Babylon is fallen’ means that confusion is down, and the truth about false doctrines is exposed. The ‘wrath’ is with what intense passion these false doctrines are upheld.
The false doctrines so misrepresent God that He considers it to be ‘fornication,’ because it is not being true to God & believing and teaching the truth in the written Word of God.

A royal blue ‘8’ is drawn on the 2 indicating Babylon is fallen, is fallen. Since Babylon means confusion, you can think that this 8 is made like it is also confused. Also the capital B in Babylon makes the shape of an 8 that you can correlate together.

What is the 2nd angel’s message  in Revelation 14?  (is fallen, is fallen)
What is the 2nd angel’s message  in Revelation 14?  (is fallen, is fallen)


Ecclesiastes 9:5

‘For the living’ is the Ecclesiastes icon preacher that is ‘living.’
‘know’ is the man pointing to his head where we think.
‘that they shall die’ is the top of the 9 representing a grave in the ground with the arrow at the bottom of the 9 going down to ‘death.’
‘but the dead’ is the grave, again.
‘know not any thing’ is the empty caption sign with ‘nothing’ in it.
‘for the memory’ is the caption sign, again.
‘of them’ you can think of as all the people in the graves.
‘is forgotten’ is the arrow going down to represent their thoughts have gone out.
So, the living know & understand that they are going to die, ‘but the dead do not know’ that they are dead, for their memory is gone. We know this is referring to the memory in the deceased person’s mind because when someone dies, we do not forget them, so it is talking about their memory, not our memory of them. This would mean they cannot think or predict. So, if we see a person who has died, come back to life, thinking or predicting, we know there is something else going on, because the Bible says the dead have no memory.

A royal blue ‘5’ is made on the hand pointing to the Ecclesiastes preacher’s head to think that verse 5 is about what the living and dead know, with the 5 continuing down the back of his hat and around his body.

Do the dead know or remember anything? (not any thing)
Do the dead know or remember anything? (not any thing)


A - L (1st part) is the 1st Angel’s message.
This message gives the seal and mark of God, which is to accept the everlasting gospel, fear God and give glory to Him, His judgment is come and worship Him.
Revelation 14:6 & 7

L (last part) - Q is the 2nd Angel’s message.
God wants us to expose the false doctrine, which is Babylon is fallen, is fallen.
Revelation 14:8

R - Z is the 3rd Angel’s message.
We tell the people about the sabbath being the last big and great test question to either worship the beast and his image and receive his mark and be tormented in the eternal fire unto non-existence, or choose the seal of the living God and keep his commandments and have the faith of Jesus, our Lamb.
Revelation 14:9, 10, 11, & 12

        A-L             L-Q                   R-Z


- M -

Ecclesiastes 9:6

‘Also their love’ is illustrated with the heart in the grave on the 9.
‘and their hatred’ is the sad lips in the grave.
‘their envy’ is the slanted eyes because we squint our eyes when we are ‘envious’ sometimes. You can think that ‘love’ and ‘hatred’ have ‘e’s at the end to think that ‘envy’ is the last of the list of attributes.
‘is now perished’ is the arrow going down the 9 heart.
‘neither’ is represented with the empty 9.
‘have they any more’ is also the top of the 9 as an ‘a’ for ‘any more.’
‘a portion’ is the top of the 9 also for an ‘a’ for ‘a portion’ and the 9 making a backwards ‘p’ for ‘portion.’
‘for ever’ is the arrow going up the side of the 9.
‘in anything' again, is the top of the 9 for the ‘a’ in ‘anything.’
‘that is done’ is the ground.
‘under’ is the arrow at the bottom of the 9.
‘the sun’ is the sun in the top of the 9.
So, the dead do not have any emotions or feelings about anybody or anything. So, they are not loving heaven or hating burning fire. They are not mad at anyone nor do they love anyone while they are dead. Neither do they participate in any seances, or apparitions or visit anyone, or give political advice on this earth, for the sun covers the whole earth. In other words, the dead cannot join us in any event or anything that happens on earth.

A royal blue ‘6’ is made on the sun.

Can the dead love or hate or do anything on earth? (now perished)
Can the dead love or hate or do anything on earth? (now perished)


Acts 7:59 & 60

‘And they’ you can think that there are people behind the Acts icon curtain on the left.
‘stoned’ is illustrated with the stones going toward Stephen’s head to make the top of a 7.
‘Stephen’ is his body leaning over to make the bottom of a 7.
‘And… he fell asleep’ is Stephen leaning & ‘falling’ over to ‘fall asleep’ with the stones on the floor of the Acts stage to indicate his death.
Here is an example in the New Testament of God referring to death as a ‘sleep,’ which is true, because if we lay down all night with our eyes closed but do not go unconscious, we say we did not go to ‘sleep’ that night. If we lay down with our eyes closed and go unconscious right away and stay unconscious all night, we say we have had a good night’s ‘sleep.’ So, the only difference of laying down and closing our eyes is the fact that we go unconscious, which is exactly what happens when we die, we lose consciousness.

A royal blue ‘5’ and ‘9’ are drawn on the stones at the top of the 7 which says they stoned Stephen for verse 59, and a royal blue ‘6’ and ‘0’ are drawn on the stones on the ground for verse 60 where it says Stephen fell asleep.

How does  the Bible  refer to death? (fell asleep)
How does  the Bible  refer to death? (fell asleep)


Acts 2:34

‘For David’ is demonstrated with the bottom of a 2 made with David in his sepulchre.
‘is not’ is a not sign across the cloud.
‘ascended’ is the arrow going up to illustrate ascending to the top of the 2.
‘into the heavens’ is the top of the 2 made into a cloud.
Of all people, we know David is going to heaven, but God says David is not in heaven. So, we know the righteous dead are not in heaven. They are unconscious, and like the Bible calls death, asleep. Lazarus was dead 4 days and did not say anything happened while he slept. He did not say thanks for getting him out of burning fire or was sad to leave the bliss of heaven. He was asleep like Jesus had claimed him to be, not knowing anything or knowing anything that is done under the sun, nor loving God in heaven, nothing, silence. The old testament also says in 1st and 2nd Kings & 2nd Chronicles, about 35 times, that the kings slept with their fathers when they died.

A royal blue ‘3’ is drawn on the right side of the cloud & a royal blue 4 is drawn on the grave of King David. You can also remember this verse because the numbers go in ascending sequence, 2,3,4, for David not ‘ascended’ into heaven.

Does the Bible say David is asleep  or in heaven? (not ascended)
Does the Bible say David is asleep  or in heaven? (not ascended)


John 5:28 & 29

‘for the hour’ is the clock made at the bottom of the 5.
‘is coming’ is the top of the 5 making an arrow.
‘in the which’ you can think of the 5’s with ears in them for ‘in the’ and the bottom of them making a ‘w’ for ‘which.’
‘all that are in the graves’ is the bottom of the 5’s with ears in them made into ‘graves’ in the ground.
‘shall hear’ are the ears ‘hearing’ in the graves.
‘his voice’ is the John icon of Jesus making the earth with the ‘voice’ lines below it.
‘And shall come forth’ is the arrows going up from the graves on the 5’s on the right.
‘they that have done good’ is the hand holding & keeping the commandments in the bottom of the 1st 5.
‘unto the resurrection’ is again the arrow going up the left side of the 5.
‘of life’ is the person drawn in the top of the 5 with their arms out, going up to Jesus with their robe of light.
‘and they that have done evil’ is the hand in the bottom of the 5 grave on the far right with a stick on the top of a 5, going down to the commandments, trying to break the commandment stones.
‘unto the resurrection of damnation’ is the arrow going up the side of the 5 to the hand with a stick and the arrow going down, to indicate this person is going back down to the ‘damnation’ of death.
Jesus is saying that the people will hear His voice in the graves. So, the dead are still in the graves, still asleep on this earth when He comes back. They are not in heaven or hell because He then says the ‘good and evil’ will hear Him. He will call them back to life and they will be ‘resurrected.’ He also tells us that there will be 2 resurrections. The ‘good’ will come forth to life, which will be when He returns, and the ‘evil’ at the time of damnation, 1000 years later.

A royal blue ‘2’ is drawn on the right side of the John icon world and a royal blue ‘8’ is made out of the 2 graves with the ears in them for verse 28, and a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the right side of the person rising from the grave to receive eternal life at the voice of Jesus and a royal blue ‘9’ is made on the grave of the evil person to think this person will go back down to the 2nd death after they see the judgment for verse 29.

Does the Bible say David is asleep  or in heaven? (not ascended)
Does the Bible say David is asleep  or in heaven? (not ascended)


1 Thessalonians 4:16 & 17

‘For the Lord himself’ is illustrated with a 4 made into the ‘Lord Himself’ sitting on His throne.
‘shall descend from heaven’ is the arrow going down from the throne in the cloud.
‘with a shout’ is portrayed with the 1st set of voice lines by the 1st Thessalonians icon lady to think it will be very loud for people, so it will sound like a ‘shout’ to her.
‘with the voice of the archangel’ is the voice lines by the ‘arch’ of the cloud.
‘and with the trump of God’ are the voice lines by the trumpet.
‘and the dead in Christ’ is the 4 made in the ground with a casket in it and the 4 making a cross to represent ‘Christ.’
‘shall rise first’ is the 4 above it with a man & lady ‘rising,’ with the line at the bottom of the 4 making a 1 with ‘1st’ on it.
‘then we which are alive and remain’ is the man and lady standing on the ground on the 4.
‘shall be caught up’ is the arrow going ‘up’ from the bottom of the 4.
‘together with them’ is the people in the sky, again.
‘in the clouds’ is the ‘cloud,’ again.
‘to meet the Lord in the air’ is ‘the Lord’ on the 4, again.
‘and so shall we ever be with the Lord’ you can think of circling around the cloud with ‘the Lord’ in it.
When Jesus comes to get us it will not be secretly or quietly. It is described as sounding like ‘shouting, and voices, and a trumpet.’ And Jesus does not touch the ground, we go ‘up to meet Him’ & take off through space. This is the resurrection of the good that go to heaven with Jesus to be with Him forever. The resurrection of the evil is not in this resurrection.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on Jesus’ throne and a sideways royal blue ‘6’ is made connecting the shouting lines and the Thessalonians icon lady for verse 16, and a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the person on the left that is alive and a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the bottom of that 4 for verse 17.

When Jesus comes back, will it be quiet  or will His voice  wake the dead? (with a shout)
When Jesus comes back, will it be quiet  or will His voice  wake the dead? (with a shout)


- N -

Matthew 24:27

‘For as the lightning’ is the bottom of the 4 horizontal line made into ‘lightning.‘
‘cometh out of the east’ is a 2 made on its side with the bottom of the 2 made into an arrow to point to the ‘east‘ side of the lightning.
‘and shineth even unto the west’ is the top of the 2 pointing to the left side, which is the 'west' side of the lightning. You can think that Matthew has an ‘e & w’ at the end, for ‘east & west.’
‘so shall also the coming of the Son of man’ is portrayed with the 4 made into Jesus’ throne with an arrow going down for His ‘coming.‘
‘be’ is the ‘bee’ beside Jesus because they sound the same.
You can actually see ‘lightning‘ when your eyes are closed, so when Jesus wakes the righteous that are sleeping in the graves to go with Him, everyone will be aware of this dazzling & spectacular event.

A royal blue ‘2’ is made on the large 2 and a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the bottom of the throne.

When Jesus comes back to wake the dead, will it be in secret or obviously dazzling & spectacular?
When Jesus comes back to wake the dead, will it be in secret or obviously dazzling & spectacular?


Matthew 25:31

‘When’ you can think starts with a ‘w’ so you can think of the ‘world’ at the bottom of the 2 that starts with a ‘w.’
‘the Son of man’ is the ‘man’ at the tip of the 2 above the world, for Jesus.
‘shall come’ is the top of the 2 like it is pointing to Jesus and making a backwards ‘c’ for ‘coming.’
‘in his glory’ is the bright rays around Him.
‘and all the holy angels’ are the 2’s and 5’s made into ‘angels.’ The 5’s at the bottom you can think are making an ‘a’ for ‘all’ and their feet making 2 ‘Ls’ to spell out ‘all.’
‘then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory’ is portrayed with ‘Jesus sitting on a throne’ made out of a 5 with bright lines surrounding Him & the Matthew icon crown also, to indicate He is the King ‘on His throne.’
There are a thousand thousands and 10 thousand times 10 thousand of ‘angels’ that are all bright and glorious and they are all coming with Jesus, and ‘Jesus is coming in His glory.’ So, when He wakes the righteous & obedient dead and they rise with their robes of light, it will be extremely radiant & glorious for all to see. And if ‘all the angels’ are not accompanying anyone looking like or claiming to be Jesus Christ, & the righteous are not rising, you will know that it is not Jesus.

A royal blue ‘3’ is drawn on the right side of the cloud of Jesus’ throne and a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the ll’s of the bottom right angel for ‘all’ to remember verse 31 says ‘all’ the holy angels are coming with Jesus.

When Jesus comes back  to wake the righteous dead,  will it be in secret  or obviously  radiant
When Jesus comes back  to wake the righteous dead,  will it be in secret  or obviously  radiant


1 Corinthians 15:52 & 53

‘In a moment’ you can think of the 1 because ‘a moment’ is ‘1 moment.’
‘in the twinkling of an eye’ is the bottom of the 5 made into ‘an eye’ with sparkle lines going out from it like it is ‘twinkling.’
‘at the last trump’ is the bell of the ‘trumpet’ going to the right to think it is at the end of the 5.
‘for the trumpet shall sound’ is a 1 made into a ‘trumpet’ by the 1 Corinthians icon peninsula with ‘sound’ lines going from it, waking up the dead. 
‘the dead’ is the grave at the bottom of the 5.
‘shall be raised incorruptible’ is the arrow going up, ‘raising the incorruptible’ person at the top of the 5, out of his grave.
‘and we’ is the alive man made out of a 1.
‘shall be changed’ is the hand at the bottom of the 5 ‘changing’ the man with the arrow at the top of the 5 going to the tree with him ‘changed’ into a body that is going up into the sky. 
‘For this’ is shown with a 1 made into an arrow pointing to the bottom of the 5. 
‘corruptible’ is the grave at the bottom of the 5.
‘must put on incorruption’ is the hand in the grave ‘putting on’ the body at the top of the 5.
‘and this mortal’ is the next man made into a 1.
‘must put on immortality’ is the bottom of the 5 with the hand that is ‘putting immortality on’ the body at the top of the 5.
So, the Bible teaches, again, that the ‘dead’ are really asleep and unconscious, decayed in the earth and will only get to be ‘immortal & incorruptible’ when Jesus gives the righteous that attribute at His 2nd coming.

A royal blue ‘5’ is made on the 5 with the hand at the bottom and the arrow pointing to the tree, and a royal blue ‘2’ on the man changed in the tree to remember verse 52,and a royal blue ‘5’ is made on the next 5 putting on incorruption and a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the hand in the last 5 for putting on immortality for verse 53.

Do the righteous dead have immortality now? (raised incorruptible)
Do the righteous dead have immortality now? (raised incorruptible)


1 Timothy 6:15 & 16

‘The King’ is the gold crowned ‘King’ at the top of the 1st 6 for God.
‘of kings’ is the silver crowned ‘king’ at the top of the 2nd 6 for an earthly ‘king.’
‘and Lord’ is the 1 Timothy icon baby with the gold crown that you can think of as Jesus as a baby, for ‘Lord.’
‘of lords’ is the 2nd 1 Timothy icon baby with the silver crown that you can think of as men on this earth being ‘lords.’ You can think of the side line of the 6s for making an ‘L’ for ‘Lord’ and the bottom circle shape of the 6s making an ‘o’ for the ‘o’ in Lord.
‘Who’ is the person, for God, in the middle of the last 6.
‘only’ is the bottom of the 6 making an ‘o’ shape for ‘only.’
‘hath immortality’ is the arrow going up to eternal heaven.
1 Corinthians 15 said that God is going to give ‘immortality’ to those who are in Him when he comes back to wake up the dead & take all the righteous with Him to heaven. According to the Bible now we can see that the dead are corruptible, decayed, and decomposed, having no thought or emotion, participating in nothing on earth, & not living forever and ever, until Jesus returns. This pretty much nullifies the idea that the dead have anything to do with the spirit world.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the silver king and a royal blue ‘5’ is made on the top of the silver crown & around the Timothy icons baby’s face for verse 15, and a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the top of the arrow for immortality and a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the bottom of the 6.

Who only has immortality? (who only)
Who only has immortality? (who only)


Revelation 12:9

‘And the great’ is the arrow going up.
‘dragon’ is the 1 made into a ‘dragon.’
‘was cast out’ are the hands drawn on a 2 for ‘casting out’ of the cloud of heaven. 
‘that old’ is the ‘o’ shape of the cloud you can think of for the ‘o’ in ‘old.’ 
‘serpent’ is the 1 made into a snake.
‘called the Devil’ is the 2 made into another dragon making the shape of a ‘d’ for ‘devil.’
‘and Satan’ is the 1 making another dragon and also making a ’t’ for the ’t’ in ‘Satan.’
‘which deceiveth’ are the arrows coming down from all 3 of them. 
‘the whole world’ is the world with the 2 encircling it to look like a globe on a stand for ‘whole world.’
‘he was cast out’ is illustrated with the hands drawn on a 2 again for ‘cast out.’
‘into the earth’ is the 1 made into a dragon by ‘the earth.’
‘and his angels were cast out with him’ is a 2 made into an ’angel’ also by the earth. The Revelation icon ‘R’ you can think of as the ‘r‘ in ‘were.‘
It is hard for us to believe and comprehend this, but ‘the devil and all of his evil angels‘ are roaming our earth. The Bible says that the devil talked to Eve, so Satan is allowed to speak to us, which gives him the chance to deceive us, just like the he did with Eve. He deceived her to believe his words and not believe God’s words. Eve was not mad at God, she just chose not to believe God’s commands and to believe the serpents words. It is the same test at the end of time, to believe God’s word over anybody’s else’s words, doctrines, traditions, or laws of either alive men’s words, or the words of dead men’s so-called spirit, which we will see are actually the devils which are also allowed to impersonate the dead.

A royal blue ‘9’ is drawn around the world on the top of the 2 to emphasize the devil deceives the whole world.

What are other names for the dragon &  who does he deceive? (deceiveth the whole)
What are other names for the dragon &  who does he deceive? (deceiveth the whole)


- O -

Revelation 16:14

‘For they’ are the 3 unclean spirits like frogs that come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast & the false prophet in Revelation 16:13, so a 1 made into black fire represents these unclean spirits.
‘are the spirits’ is a ghost at the bottom of the 6.
‘of devils’ is the top of the 6 made into ‘devil’ horns.
‘working’ is another 16 drawn into a screw driver & a hammer for ‘working.’
‘miracles’ is the next 1 drawn with ‘miracle’ fire coming down from heaven.
‘which go’ is the next 6, spirits of devils, again.
‘forth’ is the 1 made into an arrow drawn pointing to the men.
‘unto the kings of the earth’ is made into ‘kings’ standing on ‘the earth.’
‘and of the whole world’ is another small arrow for the top of a 6 pointing to go around the ‘world’ at the bottom, making a 6 shape.
‘to gather them’ is the 1 made into a black sleeved arm and the spirits of devils drawn in the 6 ‘gathering’ the kings and the whole earth.
‘to the battle’ is the 1 made into a sword.
‘of that great’ is the arrow going up at the top of the 6 & the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in great.
‘day’ is the sun at the bottom of the 6.
‘of God’ is the 1 made into a man to represent ‘God.’
‘Almighty’ is the 6 made into a fist.
So, the spirit world, which are spirits of devils, are working miracles & deceiving kings & the whole world to go against God and his Word at the great last day.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the hand that is gathering them and a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the spirit gathering them.

Can the devils work miracles  in the last days?  (devils, working miracles)
Can the devils work miracles  in the last days?  (devils, working miracles)


2 Corinthians 11:14

‘And no marvel’ is the 2nd Corinthians icon sun shine because sunshine is ‘marvelous.’
‘for Satan himself’ is symbolized with the 1 made into a dragon.
‘is transformed into’ you can think of as the 2 ’trees’ that start with a ’t,’ that are ’transformers' going from the 1 made into the dragon going over to the other tree to ’transform' him into an angel.
‘an angel’ is the angel made out of the other 1 for chapter 11.
‘of light’ is the sun, again.
So now we see that ’Satan can actually transform himself’ and appear like other beings, like ’angels of light’ and even impersonate people who have died. So, it will be important for us and the ones who hear the loud cry to understand about the state the dead, so if we see or hear someone who has died, either in a dream or a vision or in real life, it is not that person. It is a devil trying to deceive us.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the 1st tree and a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the 2nd tree and the right side of the sunshine.

Can Satan transform himself to look like  & talk like the dead? (is transformed)
Can Satan transform himself to look like  & talk like the dead? (is transformed)


Deuteronomy 30:15

‘See’ is the 3 made into a set of eyes.
‘I have set before thee’ is the zero of Deuteronomy 30 made into a chair that you sit in for ‘set.’ 
‘this day’ is the sun at the top of the 3. 
‘life and good’ is the top of the 3 made into trees, grass & birds that are ‘alive’ and the river for ‘good’ things.
‘and death and evil’ is the bottom of the 3 with the skull and crossbones.
The Deuteronomy icon has ‘life & good’ and ‘death & evil’ written in it so you can think of the 2 choices with the 2 pages of the open book.

In the Old Testament, God says that if we do good in our life we will get eternal life, and if we do evil in our life, we will get eternal death. He does not give us the option of an eternal life of pain, misery and burning fire. Fire is the way we will end up dying eternally and God does not want us to have that much pain when we die eternally. So, God tries to warn us against eternal death and to pick life instead. And the way God says to get eternal life is by being good and obeying his laws, by the power of Jesus.

A royal blue ‘1’ is made in the top of the 3 on the left tree for life and a royal blue ‘5’ is drawn with the middle of the 3 line connected to the right eye of the skull for death.

What 2 choices does God give in the Old Testament? (life & good)
What 2 choices does God give in the Old Testament? (life & good)


Romans 6:23

‘For the wages’ is the 6 made with an arrow pointing to the money at the bottom that you receive when you get paid.
‘of sin’ is denoted with the commandment 6 picture by it for ‘thou shall not kill’ to represent ‘sin.’ 
‘is death’ is represented with the squiggly lines going down the side of the Romans icon to the ground with the top of a 6 made into an arrow pointing to the grave at the bottom of the 6. 
‘But the gift’ is denoted with the ‘present’ in the bottom of the 6 on the Romans icon.
‘of God’ is the arrow going up to ‘God.’
‘is eternal life’ is symbolized with the person in a white robe going up to Jesus when he comes back.
‘through Jesus Christ’ is an arrow pointing like it is going ‘through’ the cloud to ‘Jesus Christ.’
‘our Lord’ is the cloud, again.
Paul is saying that if we have sinned, the choice is ‘death,‘ not living forever in pain and sadness. But the other choice is ‘eternal life,’ only through Jesus Christ as our sacrifice, who paid the price of our penalty of death for sinning.

A royal blue ‘23’ is made on the curved lines going from the wages of sin down to the grave of death, and another royal blue ‘23’ is drawn with the 2 on the head and body of the person in their robe of light going on to eternity when Jesus comes and the 3 made on the side of the cloud that Jesus is in.

What 2 choices does God give in the New Testament? (wages of sin)
What 2 choices does God give in the New Testament? (wages of sin)


Revelation 20:5

‘But the rest’ is the bottom of the 2 made into a grave with somebody ‘resting’ in it.
‘of the dead’ is the person in the grave, again.
‘lived not again’ is the top of the 2 drawn with an arrow going up.
‘until the thousand years’ is the zero of Revelation 20 drawn 3 times to also remember that Revelation 20 is where it talks about the millennium, the thousand years, and a one is put in front of the 3 zeros to make a 1000 for ‘the 1000 years.’
‘were finished’ is the Revelation icon put at the ‘end’ of the thousand years to think, ‘finished.’
We see here, that after Jesus comes for the righteous, the unrighteous are not alive for 1000 years. They are still in their graves, and unconscious, because Ecclesiastes 9 says the dead know not anything. They are sleeping for 1000 more years until Jesus comes back to the earth with his righteous saints, and then the unrighteous are raised to life to meet their judgment.

A royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the Revelation icon ‘R’ at the end, or finish, of the 1000 years.

After Jesus resurrects  the righteous dead when he comes, what happens to the unrighteous dead?
After Jesus resurrects  the righteous dead when he comes, what happens to the unrighteous dead?
